Bajans mean Business

Caribbean. The Caribbean, a melting pot of cultures, peoples, belief systems and traditions etched in our DNA.  A mystical, beautiful, dangerous and powerful space with memories of all the ways. A super consciousness perhaps. How can our power and presence ever be contested?

It was with a deeper joy than I would like to express, that I watched with anxiety, as Barbados took the bold step to further displace the impact of enslavement and colonialism on a set of peoples. How these tribulations for centuries have left traces, some deeper than others, within our expressions but in all an important factor in defining us as Caribbean peoples.

Barbados, on Monday, November 29, ‘shed ties with Britain, made Rihanna the 11th National Hero, was good. It was all good. It was good, as the world and the rest of the Caribbean watched Barbados, with similar if not even more challenged natural circumstances, boldly, through the leadership of a woman that was not initially well received as their leader, make another young and alive woman, a hero, highlighting her contribution to her country, shining bright like a diamond.

Robyn Fenty at the ceremony Photo by Katrina King

I saw fierceness, I saw decisiveness, I saw support, I saw unbridled nationalistic pride, I saw power, I saw the future, I saw leaders. I saw a black woman, with similar skin,features and history, who has used the international space to demonstrate how resolute she is about the needs of not only her nation, but the entire Catibbean, without the empty platitudes we have become accustomed to.   I saw a young Caribbean girl, Robyn with the brown eyes…and the umbrella, never ‘faaming fool’, compromising her home or legacy.  I saw a Robyn, an immigrant who got that bag and as a modern-day hero indeed and a perfect opportunity to display to the new world, that rewriting our own influences, with diamonds, miracles and impossibilities, is now an option, to the dreaded toxic and horrifying experiences of our past and ancestry, wrapped in PTSD influencing figures and processes. I felt a shift, seeing her with her African inspired hairstyle, divine feminine Stunting attitude and outfit, as Mia Motley, charged her and the rest of Barbados, to continue shining bright like a diamond.

I saw a whole nation, washed again with quick silver of honor and pride, ready to take its place in the world, as a nation with a united purpose and the proven auspices to govern themselves and their directions.

I saw other people try to find issues with various parts of this historic event and wished that they had not wasted energy comparing Barbados with their own nation, understanding that instead, taking notes of the playbook would be a better use of waning resources.

Including parents in your financial plan is WISE!

Preparation is key and ideal for all of life’s situations. When you know what is coming, it sure helps you to determine the outcome when you prepare. Preparation allows you to be some sort of sage or superhero when life happens. To be prepared…is some kind of super trait. Imagine if you knew exactly when […]

Including parents in your financial plan is WISE!


I miss having a laptop, perhaps my only problem with online schooling thus far, is that my laptop was a casualty.

Moments like these where I just want to write dont favour having to kotch my devise with my 2 pinky fingers to type…it is uncomfortable!

I like change and have always been excited and motivated to a psychosis by change. The awareness that where something starts is not where it needs to end, the thrill of the various roads and paths, lessons and experiences that can come when on a path of growth is enigmatic! Exciting!

To observe a seed’s growth from a usually hard tiny thing to a tree with beautiful green leaves and/or blossom into a fruit is beautiful! When you see the value of intention, the real life value of planting a seed with the intent that it will bring healthy food and to monitor and care for it throughout its journey to your plate, but not before you had the proud moment of reaping! Change is MAGIC.

A few years ago I started my blog ‘The Yellow Brick Road’ Dorothy was lost, taken up in a whirlwind from her home in Kansas only to find herself alone on a big yellow road, albeit in Red Ruby Heels with her dog ToTo. The Yellow Brick Road documents her journey and the spirits she met along the way, The Coward Lion, The Loving TinMan and the Fearful Scarecrow, everyone in disarray, flipped upside down…maybe from the same wind that blew her into change. I have always been fascinated by the story.

It is said that Life imitates art…and it is uncanny how I have always related metaphorically to the Yellow Brick Road. I have a blog post somewhere here…where I expressed at that moment in time how I was Dorothy. I belly laugh now thinking about how i weaved that story into my life. The major whirlwind that hit my life flipping me upside down and causing me to confront some serious spirituations.

Life set me to face The Lion, who once was brave but now reduced to a coward, play-it-safer…making excuses for the absence of fierceness which once defined and preceded her. I spent my whole journey mulling over my broken heart, my ‘love’ lost. Thinking I had no sense and fearing fires.

It’s been a rahtid journey on the Yellow Brick Road.

I remember my 30th birthday December 11, 2010 clearly, it was one of the best moments of my life, it had everything I loved down to the details, I felt celebrated, loved and it was all about me. It was strange because I’ve always been more about other people, to have that focus on me, was different and nice. I had nothing to do with it…as a matter of fact. I was expecting as usual, a horrible birthday. My partner and I were having problems, I was having problems…my life was just a mess as usual…fires everywhere. That magical night…I smiled, loved, cried and hugged so much, every minute was a wow. From seeing my stepdad in the crowd at my surprise party, smiking among drag queen performances. I remember holding his hand so tight, as if he connected me to my childhood and my alive, but estranged mother who I missed terribly.

Kookie, Diva, Macey performed ‘Proud Mary’ by Tina Turner and every inch of my heart loved every minute of the drag-extraness. It was a all-white movie at The Pantry in New Kingston.

C.E.M. If you ever see this…Thank you for that lifetime experience. ❤

In the middle of it all, I’ve experienced sexual assault, loneliness, disempowerment, poverty, hope, pregnancy, motherhood and love.

At the end of it all, I’m grateful for my experiences, the mistakes I’ve made have left clear demarcations, established standards where some were needed and now serve as a spring board for empowering myself, my daughter, my mother.

Here are the 10 main lessons I’ve learnt on the last 10 years.

  1. Loving yourself is work and not just a cute buzz phrase. Loving yourself takes action, it takes first…investing in knowing yourself, your triggers, motivations
  2. Practical standards are necessary and discriminating against anything that doesnt fit should be normalized and encouraged
  3. Family is forever. The natural bond of family is undeniable.
  4. Alot of the problems we have is only due to failure to communicate properly and inability to be communicated with.
  5. You are important, putting your needs first is critical. You can’t pour from an empty cup and shouldnt, the people around you that need you to pour, deserves more.
  6. Ambitions are emotions, Executions are the FACTS.
  7. Your life is your business. Having a plan, executing, evaluating is important if you really want to achieve a desired outcome.
  8. There are people who love you and have your best interest at heart, pay attention, find them…the key to your success and quality of life is your circle, truly, no man is an island.
  9. Follow your gut! If you keep ignoring your intuition…it will eventually go away
  10. Word is power, Your word is your promise, your promise impacts your integrity, how you relate to the universe is how the universe relates to you. Ensure you are sure, and if you are not sure, dont rush. Take your time.

I’m gonna cover these 10 lessons on my Podcast…please follow!

A lesson about standards

COVID has definitely made life that much more challenging in general.  However, if you already had a challenging life without the sufficient financial safety net, COVID would perhaps be almost unbearable.

Changes all around the board are necessary to facilitate the impact of the novel Coronavirus which made its debut in February 2020.  As at today, 5 months in, the death toll and infection rate climbing rapidly in affluent and poverty-stricken countries alike, hurting international trade, tourism, financial markets, commerce, while putting health systems under manic strain.  A prolonged emergency, more like a nightmare, as experts attempt to make sense of a novel experience  with novel ideas.

I am in the batch of challenged before COVID to barely hanging from a thread.  In November 2019 I lost my job after struggling to stay afloat mentally during an unplanned and totally surprising pregnancy, which ended up in with a premature caesarean delivery and no maternity leave.  I struggled physically, emotionally, psychologically and struggled with my tasks at work.  Eventually with my sanity almost all gone during a disciplinary threat, I decided I could not do this anymore. A salary is important but my effectiveness at my duties was also very important, ensuring that I wasn’t putting an institution i respected and loved, at risk was important.  The support I needed wasn’t forthcoming, I had to accept defeat. So I quit. That was the first time in my life I have ever accepted defeat. I tried fighting, pushing, persevering. I worked weekends, late nights, during my 2 months allowed at home without pay, I took my 2 week old preemie to the office with me, padding the carseat to secure his tiny body, ripped and infected my caesarean incision to walk, carrying carseat for him to sleep in on my desk.  I fought hard to keep the job, but realized my fighting wasn’t enough.

When COVID broke I had just completed my insurance exams, chomping at the bits to be one the greatest Financial Advisor ever seen.  Once again, I was plunged into a depression that couldn’t be seen or afforded the time of day.  As the days got increasingly more difficult with the shrinking and impending death of my finances, I frantically searched for my what next. With 2 kids….the heat is on.

This morning I sat under my mango tree with my kids and mom. Discussing how hard times were joking around about what else we can do to cut expenses. One of the suggestions was to eat crackers and drink water and cook only for the babies and the old man.  My daughter screamed ‘NOOOOOOO’  I began to explain to her why this next sacrifice was necessary as times are hard.   Once again she screamed out ‘Nooooooo’ but this time she folded her arms and scowled at me.  As if to say, ‘If you ever lower your standards’

I heard her loud and clear. Standards should form the base of your expectations. Even as we are all experiencing a challenging period, it is important that you maintain contact with your standards however possible. You may need to adjust but don’t consider abandoning. Your standards are your base, from which you will build. If your standard is a healthy meal, ensure that whatever it is, your family is provided with a healthy balanced meal. If it’s your nails, ensure you pay attention to keeping them.well done, you may not be able to afford your nail technician, a buffer and a top coat with garlic juice in it is a good way to care for your beautiful fingers until such time.

What are your basic standards?

Mother’s Day Mixed Feelings.

I’m surely PMSing or maybe it’s the Flower Moon….2020 mother’s day has me in so many twisted emotions and when my friend Oona Smith’s daughter messaged me that she wish she could speak to her mom…I lost it.

Mother’s Day is perhaps one of the most commercialized days to the unfeigned bitterness of some men, either jealous that Father’s Day doesnt get that much attention or role-playing the theme of ‘A man scorned’.

The fact is that too many mothers are unsupported single mothers. The truth is mothers whether single or not, typically bear the brunt of the child rearing cross that sometimes gets too much to bear, but bear it, each woman must, with whatever tools and devices that are close enough to them.

Motherhood was never in my thoughts or even childish imaginations. As a matter of fact, I can remember being disgusted by the sight of pregnant women. My child mind could never understand why women would have a man, get pregnant, suffer and potentially die in childbirth to bring kids, they spent hours chasing and beating, alone and evidently bitter at being alone, providing and caring, wiping butts and cleaning nose buggers, in the midst of being beaten and abused by their baby fathers. So each time I saw a mother…I felt pity and then anger, as I only saw the repeat of a silly cycle that only created messed up kids who then become messed up adults.

6 years ago, I became a mother in the most random bizarre way and perhaps for the most bizarre reason. I wanted to feel real love and knew that the only true powerful love, was the love of a mother for her child. I am naturally loving, gave so much love to so many people and interests, fighting valiantly for my loves…until it kicked me in the throat. I vowed never to love again like that. My own mother’s love and dedication…and hope made me want to experience that kind of love. I was clinically depressed and figured my only way out, a sure motivator was a baby. Bizarre is not even the word. However this isnt the blog post for that.

One thing is sure about motherhood which I bet is the ecstasy of every mother, the love you feel for your child is renewing, it makes you a super power, superwoman. Being a mom grows you, gives you fuel. For the women who are able to develop a strong self, motherhood gives you purpose, an appreciation for self.

As a mom, I’m sensitive to mom issues. The contribution of women to society and humanity is one that should be revered and supported. Every woman who carries a life to maturity is an essential asset, she is creating the future from the moment of conception until she dies. Her environment, her feelings, her structures are all part of creating tomorrow’s saints or sinners. Whether she has 10 or 1, lives uptown or in a gully, each mother is responsible for the future. It therefore is clear to me that establishing a standard of support to mothers and families would be a priority of any well-thinking, solutions oriented, long term development strategist.

Poverty-shaming, slut-shaming, fertlity-shaming, capacity-shaming mom’s is hardly the wisest or most efficient of options, since whether you are concerned now or not…the future is being created by the same poor, slut, fertile, incapable women you like to turn up your noses at or ofcourse righteously put them in their place.

I’ve learnt to appreciate that everyone has a story. Every action has a reason, a cause. I’ve learnt that jumping to conclusions or providing prescriptions about anyone’s circumstances or decisions is truly hypocritical and fascist. We have all made bad decisions, done things we regretted, it may not have been an unwanted pregnancy that may or may not have ended in giving a life or committing murder.

Moms are gems and should be supported and uplifted. This mother’s day a number of feelings are on me. The Coronavirus epidemic has exposed alot of hidden truths, the ones that expose the fragility of poor single vulnerable women with multiples of children in need of food to feed their little ones is just one. It has demonstrated both how women are also made to bear the weight of a judgemental notion that they should put their ‘vaginas (word changed for properness) under manners’ and prevent pregnancies, insinuating that the cause of pregnancy must be an unruly vagina. No stories told, no reasons explored…the demon vagina….ok. No awareness of their circumstances, did these women have a caring or abusive spouse? Are their partners alive or dead? Are they married but abandoned by men with no need for responsibility at all…since every black woman is strong and long suffering? No, but the judgments flow on and usually from other women. I’ve never met a baby mother who wasnt inspired by her children, who didnt have to struggle to make it through, but whose child eyes offered them strength and purpose. Having a child no matter the circumstances can be the best thing to ever happen to some of us…it took me a while to get used to it and although I’ve always loved my two miracles, the Coronavirus has allowed me to appreciate my role of mother. No school, after care activities, baby sitters, late work nights have allowed me to enjoy my children more and I’m grateful for it and the kids love it.

Happy Mothers Day to all the super moms in my clan and tribe. I’m blessed to share this beautiful journey with you. I implore you to pay it forward, continue to share your light, love and support for other mothers and women. Today, I’d like you to be proud of you and what you have accomplished and stand strong and resolute as the creators of the future. Guard your flock, teach them well, material things are good, but you already have what it takes to achieve.

RIP to all Moms who have transitioned leaving their babies behind, I know if you can you are watching over them. RIP Oona Smith, you are very missed…there is nothing like a mothers love.

Happy Birthday Jodi

Hi Jodi,

In the midst of the chaos surrounding the delivery of your princess and unfortunate loss of your earthly life, I wanted to wish you happy birthday. The media is filled with pictures of you smiling while your family members and friends give us a peep into who you are. A well loved, focused and professional young woman poised to be a great Jamaican and mother.

I know you must’ve been excited to be a mother.  Afterall which woman isn’t? 9 months of feeding and caring for your unborn, feeling movements in your stomach, cravings and morning sickness, swollen feet, mood swings, difficulty breathing and all the other peculiar pregnancy things.

Your daughter is beautiful, what a birthday gift! What a birth story!

Pregnancy can be so unpredictable, a risk women take that can either cost us our lives, or give us something to live for. 

You did everything right, above and beyond, you were at perfect child bearing age, young and strong.  You invested in what you considered the best care plan, the execution of your safe delivery, financially expressed of paramount importance. COVID19 has disrupted many plans, heightened fear and influenced dissonance. No one is spared the anticipation of doom, your sister told us what you were feeling in that cozy hotel room, the speculation from attendants that COVID was the cause, common sense seemed to be at a loss.

I know how alone you must have felt, I’m sure you fought that much harder for your princess. Your dreams of being a great mother, being the lamp in your distress, giving you the strength to bear the pain and hold out all those hours until your princess, made it here. I hope you got to see her, she is beautiful, peaceful and sweet, unscathed, oblivious to what you had to feel. You protected her through to the end, carrying her all the way, so she could shine…the star of the day. I hope she never forgets what you sacrificed so she could live. Surrounded by loving family and friends, and a strong mommy in the heavens.

I know you will never leave her side, valiant warrior, likkle n tallawah, no grave can hold you under.

The truth is life is Perfect

The decade 1910 to 1920 were interesting and significant. Lots of firsts, including the United States becoming a great power, the first World War and the Women’s Suffrage movement (follow my twitter to learn about these if you are not into reading the timeline in the link above).

Fashion ditched the heavy s-shape corset look for softer silhouette, and wearing hats were still a big thing for women and men.

I imagined it must have been a glorious time. The entire world was on edge, wars, pandemic flu, women suddenly wanting the right to vote…preposterous and exhilarating! Maternal and child deaths were unbelievably high, as modern medicine was just in its birth stages.

Many industries died with doom and gloom seemingly potentially overwhelming to most, if a few didn’t observe and take advantage of the opportunities which led to dramatic changes and inventions that set the tone for rapid development in multiple arenas such as fashion, manufacturing and production. The Negro movement began with some brilliant, powerful and energized minds at the forefront of a rise Up From Slavery, (Check out Booker T’s Washington boo, Up from Slavery on youtube).

A century later, the world is faced with another pandemic and maybe similar opportunities for pivotal growth. The Coronavirus – COVID19.

Today I struggled with sadness as I looked forward at the COVID19, longingly desiring normalcy as soon as possible. Lustfully, at a time when I earned and my mornings began with a mad rush to get the kids to school, beating traffic to get to work on time. Getting time to do homework while fighting with the things I should’ve said or done but I got mixed up during the day, was a challenge that honestly compromised the quality of time I had with my kids. My health hanging by a thin line, as I breathe through my stress and prayed for a better day.

Today I got frustrated at my Netflix addiction, which has so easily transformed me to a couch potato, the kind that lounges barefooted in an oversized t-shirt and undies, covered in the scent and perhaps remnants of 1 or 2, or maybe all of the 3 meals prepared that day. The hot blood of my youth draining trepid from my fingertips, a Booker T type of undeniable passion for an education and success, now coiled up in a sofa watching a Netflix Series with powerful female drug lords, while trying to give life to the mind of a 5 year old Goddess, and to prevent a 1 year old from suicide.

It occurred to me after putting the kids to sleep so I could secure ‘mommy time, that Life is Perfect. This pandemic has me spending every waking minute with 2 miracles, my children. Teaching, feeding, playing and loving with 2 representations of myself, that my adult female body grew and nurtured. I had the free time to do the things I loved, like write and learn. Cook and Love!

The days I walked to school, the hours I spent working to send myself to school, the nights I stayed over at work to ensure the reports were done, and the financial report was ready. The emptiness and anticipation that sat heavy on my chest at Jubilee while my daughter was in intensive care after delivery. The hours, I lay in the operating theatre waiting for surgery to deliver my son, only to be told to pray as the platelets I needed for the surgery would not be effective. The tears I have cried, all the brokenness and inefficiency I felt were all behind me, all I do now is wake up free. Free to do, for the first time…only what I truly wanted and chose to do.

I realized…life is PERFECT.

Covid Karma: The Great Equalizer

Just 1 month ago, I was eagerly studying for OLT and Equity exams, excited for what I believe to be my true calling…Financial Adviser.  At one point in my life, my passion for seeing people succeed and circumvent circumstances that made them vulnerable led me to devoted advocacy and activism for the technical most at risk groups, comprised of LGBT, Sex Workers, Drug Users and HIV Positive people.  

I was happy to have witnessed behaviour change in real time, a process where like magic, darkness is turned to light and the power of hope takes flight. Admittedly and too often than is righteous, with all the best intentions and actions necessary, long term results are not as successful as they could be. That was when I decided this process was no longer for me, something was missing, from both the advocacy process and result, as well as my own life. All the boxes were ticked, but sustainable long term change was at best evasive. All my personal boxes were ticked as well…but I knew I was operating below potential and some other step was missen.

Fast forward and all is well now that I’ve realized and accepted that the final step was MONEY.  How could it not! Altruism has its place.  Wealth can take many forms, but there is no doubt that form that deals with assets and money is important…very important.  Required for independent existence, necessary basic living and able to increase exponentially…MONEY management is the final step.   I had plans, excited to share my new found knowledge on wealth creation, protection and transference.  But here comes COVID19, and like many, I’m stalled. Unemployed and stalled. At home daily with kids, cooking and cleaning, struggling with my new found domestication but loving it all at the same time. No reports to submit, No panic attacks.  I couldn’t remember the last time I wondered if today will be the day I have that heart attack.

COVID19 showed up and slowed up many personal plans. #20plenty on pause, many still have their breaths stuck in their throats as news and conspiracies bombard our already freaked out consciousness and unconsciousness.

Fear and anxiety gripping the world, meanwhile small island states like Jamaica, dependent on tourism and remittances feel the early pangs of a deadly pandemic on their already fragile, non-producing, outsourced resources economy. Although ranked one of the safest places in an apocalypse, Jamaica struggles and will struggle for a moment after COVID19…just like many other countries at varied economic strengths

The government attempting to seem in control, comes off really as trying to referee a dangerous ball game between economics and the people with the Head Umpire – Andrew Holness evidently not sure how to corral the beast of political favour, the real threat behind the COVID19 response game. Damned if you do, Screwed if you don’t.

The truth is there are simple solutions to every problem. The difficulty usually comes when we put too much emphasis on the variables, where the desired outcome gets lost or becomes neglected in the process.

What is your goal? Can you simplify the process?

COVID19 is the time to be strategic and focused. To preserve self and energy. To think longterm and refuse to be entrapped by the exhilarating lure of getting energized to out fire after fire. It will require us to be creative both as a country and an individual, to use our resources wisely, it will require each of us to be leaders, standard bearers, warriors. COVID19 is no simple pushover, regardless of which conspiracy we buy into, there’s no doubt this is a powerful season. Fear and anxiety threaten to overwhelm, but is really a reminder of how much we have bravery and security. You see, BALANCE IS A MUST AND TRUTH IS THE GREAT EQUALIZER.

Kari Douglas switch

I am admittedly one of the people hypocritically stunned by the news reports that a PNP delegate chose to cross the floor, symbolically leaving the Peter Phillip’s led Peoples National Party to the be a part of the Jamaica Labour Party.

I began noting the responses and attempted to get caught up to speed with who this young woman was. The bright, young and ambitious daughter of PNP stalwart, the late Easton Douglas, I figured she would have had a lifetime of traditional party principles and loyalties, fully entrenched into her subconscious and life.

People are heard to be saying it’s for the money, yet Douglas’ scathing departing comments indicated that her choice was pretty much based on her experience with the party being unresponsive to new ideas, stuck in their own ways. Ms. Douglas, didn’t miss the opportunity to declare her expectations of being torn down by the party, suggesting it was their way of dealing with infractions. To, perhaps her relief, the ailing PNP issued a very courteous statement and even wished her the best on her political career.

This incident is a shock to me on many levels that has left me confused, caught between feelings of hopefulness and melancholy.

Kari expressed her desire to be part of the ‘exciting’ Andrew Holness-led operation as she believe it considers young people and is making positive strides she can invest her career in. Is that her real reason or is there something else? The fact that I have to question that a young leader is being authentic or is it another political sham is painful. Nonetheless, being a sucker for hope and positivity, I am going to go with an assumption that Kari represents our new politics, where young people are motivated to work for a better Jamaica, realizing that old style politics, diseased by corruption, nepotism and short-sighted selfishness is no longer sustainable.

I believe in Angel’s, rainbows, magic, faith and fairy dust.

Jamaica is hemorrhaging hard. Our society is juxtaposed to its potential with some areas fighting valiantly to maintain our natural place…the spotlight. Our music, sports, entertainment and now even our finance industry is coping awards and accolades left right and centre, while our central government grapples to hold all the strings together. Koffee gets a Grammy and 5 women are murdered by their partners. Port Royal’s Port opened to tourists and economic development, but the crime is so horrid, ZOSO must be implemented. The knee jerk text book reactions are wearing thin, the central government and Andrew Holness must stop, retreat and reorganize. It cannot be business as usual. Jamaica is at a very sensitive place…on the brink of rapid development and domination versus absolute destruction.

These are my thoughts/recommendations:

  • Decentralize government and empower local government agencies. Allow local government to establish rules to govern their constituents based on the specific needs, demography and systems. Establish community sheriff’s that work the police. Infractions are adjudicated at the local level and sentences employed locally. Multiple local infractions would then be escalated for more serious repercussions.
  • Ban lewd and violent music entirely. Prosecute those who facilitate lewd and violent music being in the public sphere. Charge the man who plays it loudly, charge the man who sells it. Lewd and violent music must only be consumed with consent…in a dancehall/party.
  • The lawlessness of robot taxis must be seriously addressed. Charge the people who do not use a bus stop, but choose to stand and fan down taxi, causing the abrupt stops.

There is more…but for now…these are my thoughts!

A new day in Mother Land

The Wawindajis jostled each other playfully outside the landing strip where representatives from each tribe gathered, a weekly celebration to welcome descendants of Africans stolen from the land of Mother. Artists, Engineers, Doctors, Carpenters, Fashion Designers all gathered anxious to reconnect with their loved ones, their missing pieces.

Happy music beat loudly in the background, while flames ignited the air with the delicious scents of well seasoned meats and beans. Drummers, dancers sweating and performing with wide smiles and rambunctious laughter.

The grey grandparents sitting peacefully and wisely, watching over everyone, guiding the young ones where necessary.

The notification of the incoming craft, sent the strip into a frenzy. Everyone was excited. Which tribe will the next artiste claim. What new skills and dimensions can will we reach.

The never ending tales both historical and current are typically so disdainful. Of pain and sufferation by ancestors, from middle passage through to slavery throughout to post slavery. The history books are bloodied with the African pain, while news stories are drowned in black inequities.

Shimmers of our stardom and power motivate us like the old slave hymns of servitude and gratitude after a long day in a strange land. And so Tunzi’s stoic win at The Miss Universe Pageant is iconic. The way we almost automatically dominate sports and music, with our new gen making strides, in technology and other emerging industries. Our undeniable genius almost contradicted by the high levels of destitution of body and soul of our people.

The roar of the massive engines preparing to land at Alafia, sends the crowd in a frenzy, while aboard the craft…hundreds of stolen Africans sat, bolstered by seat belts with hands gripping the rails. The ping pong of possibility creating a familiar racket as still many still unsure whether packing up and moving on from all they know to a new home was the best decision.

The lure of African was undeniable as hips and legs automatically moved as if to a familiar song. Beats mattered. The internet facilitated the sharing of experiences across borders and connected people to multiple concepts, people and ways of life and worship.

With every record broken and every new one set, we are unitedly delighted at the possibilities and motivated by the revelation that we are resilient, dynamic people.

As the engines quieted down the celebration began. Chefs began to plate colorful, delicious meals intending to show off the best foods of their tribes. Dancers sought to hypnotize and activate the natural rhythms in the newcomer’s soul, while the Engineers and other professionals waited eagerly to bounce ideas.

As the doors opened, the roar of the beautiful African sun and the smile of the familiar looking people were revealed, as newcomers arrived home.

Jonathan now felt like moving to Motherland may not have been his most thought out decision.

Part 2 – to follow.